Job Description:Summary of Position日本におけるエアバスグループの内、そのヘリコプター事業部門であるエアバス・ヘリコプターズ・ジャパン株式会社 神戸空港事業所に於ける総務・人事の責任者として、HR部門内のCenter of Excellence(CoE)及びHRBP、チームメンバーと協同し、会社、従業員、関連するstake holderへのサポート業務を遂行する。総務・人事2課長として、事業計画に基づいた目標を達成する為、自身のチームが高いパフォーマンスを発揮できるようリード、コーチング、アドバイス、サポートすると共に、総務・人事1課&xff08;東京本社&x
Director for General Affairs and Human Resources Section2
Job Description:

Job Description:

Summary of Position

日本におけるエアバスグループの内、そのヘリコプター事業部門であるエアバス・ヘリコプターズ・ジャパン株式会社 神戸空港事業所に於ける総務・人事の責任者として、HR部門内のCenter of Excellence(CoE)及びHRBP、チームメンバーと協同し、会社、従業員、関連するstake holderへのサポート業務を遂行する。


総務・人事部 総務・人事2課&xff08;神戸空港事業所&xff09;人員編成&xff1a;



As Head of Administration and HR at Airbus Helicopters Japan K.K. Kobe Airport, the helicopter business unit within the Airbus Group in Japan, you will work with the Centre of Excellence (CoE), HRBP and team members within the HR department to provide support to the company, employees and relevant stake holders.

As General Affairs and Personnel 2 Section Manager, you will lead, coach, advise and support your team to achieve high performance in order to reach targets based on our business plan. You will work closely with the General Affairs and Personnel 1 Section (Tokyo Head Office) to implement company-wide measures across departments and promote a strong organisation.

General Affairs and Personnel Department Section 2 (Kobe Airport Office) organisation:
Labour relations officer: 1
Attendance and payroll officer: 2
Recruitment officer: 1
Training officer: 1
Person in charge of general affairs incl. Facility Management : 2
Person in charge of HR projects: 2

As HRBP, you will develop a deep understanding of the business strategy, act as a bridge to employees, engage with your department&39;s employees to improve engagement, develop and deploy talent with a view to future organisational structure, take a leadership role in driving change, provide ongoing advice to management and be responsible for the sustainable development local as well as global HR processes.

Duties and Responsibilities

【人事管理 Personnel Management】
1&xff0e; 新卒・中途&xff08;正社員及び契約社員&xff09;・派遣社員採用に関する業務の実施
conduct operations related to the recruitment of new graduates, mid-career employees (permanent and contract employees) and temporary staff
2&xff0e; 従業員への社内訓練業務&xff1a;階層別訓練、ニーズに基づいたワークショップ、コンプライアンス関連トレーニング業務の実施及び予実管理
internal training of employees: hierarchy-specific training, needs-based workshops, implementation and forecasting of compliance-related training tasks
3&xff0e; 人事考課、配置、育成等に関する業務の実施
conduct operations related to personnel evaluation, assignment and training
4&xff0e; 従業員エンゲージメント向上施策の立案及び実施&xff08;含むwell-being&xff09;
planning and implementation of measures to improve employee engagement (including well-being)
5&xff0e; Airbus APAC地域及びフランス本社への必要に応じたレポーティング、コミュニケーションの実施
reporting and communication to Airbus APAC region and to the French headquarters as required

【労務及び勤怠管理 Labour and Attendance Management】
6&xff0e; 労務管理&xff08;含むコンプライアンス対応&xff09;業務の実施
labour management (including compliance handling)
7&xff0e; 勤怠管理に基づく残業時間管理の実施
implementation of overtime management based on time and attendance management
8&xff0e; 社員会との定例会議の実施
regular meetings with the Employees Association
9&xff0e; 契約社員との契約更新業務の実施
contract renewal work with contract employees
10&xff0e; 担当部門長及び従業員との円滑な関係構築
develop a good relationship with the head of the responsible departments and employees
11&xff0e; 会社・HR指針のカスケード
cascading of company and HR guidelines
12&xff0e; Career Aspiration Talkを通したキャリアパスの醸成
foster career paths through Career Aspiration Talks
13&xff0e; 労務対応
labour relations
14&xff0e; 経営陣への助言の実施
provide advice to management
【総務管理 General Affairs Management】
15&xff0e; 情報セキュリティーに関する業務の実施
implementation of tasks related to information security
16&xff0e; 事業継続計画&xff08;BCP&xff09;や消防避難訓練等、会社規定・法令に基づいた訓練の計画及び実施
plan and conduct drills in accordance with company regulations and laws, such as business continuity plans (BCPs) and fire evacuation drills
17&xff0e; JISQ, ISO, HSE, EASA等、社内外からの監査対応&xff08;人事・総務関連項目&xff09;及び改善の実施

respond to internal and external audits (HR and administration related items) and implementation of
improvements, e.g., JISQ, ISO, HSE, EASA, etc.
18&xff0e; 委託業者管理業務&xff1a;施設管理業者・受付業者・清掃業者等の管理及び契約更新の実施
contractor management services: facility management contractors, receptionists, cleaners, etc. and renewal of contracts
19&xff0e; 一般消耗品購入等の発注承認、及びHR関連費用承認業務の実施&xff08;採用関連、社宅、通勤バス、弁当代、印紙等含む&xff09;
approval of purchase orders for general supplies and other purchases, and approval of HR-related expenses (including recruitment-related, company housing, commuter buses, lunch fees, stamps, etc.)
20&xff0e; その他HR関連庶務業務&xff08;エアバスグループ内からの訪問者へのサポートや会社イベント等&xff09;の実施
other HR-related general tasks (support to visitors from within the Airbus Group, company events, etc.)
【施設管理 Facility Management】
21&xff0e; 施設・環境保全に関する管理業務&xff1a;行政や空港施設団体等との折衝、担当者へのサポート実施
management tasks related to facility and environmental protection: negotiating with the government and airport facility organisations, and providing support to those in charge
22&xff0e; オフィス機器、什器、社有車等に関するリース業務&xff1a;担当者へのサポート実施
leasing services relating to office equipment, fixtures and fittings, company vehicles, etc.: providing support to the person in charge

Job Requirements

Essential /必須

  • 大卒以上
  • University graduate or above
  • 製造業での人事経験
  • HR experience in the manufacturing industry
  • チームマネジメント経験
  • Experience in managing teams
  • ストレス耐性&xff1a;プレッシャー下でのマルチタスクをon timeに遂行する能力
  • Stress tolerance: ability to multitask on time and under pressure
  • 円滑なコミュニケーション・プレゼンテーション能力
  • Smooth communication and presentation skills
  • Google WorkspaceもしくはMicrosoft office操作に関する知識
  • Knowledge of Google Workspace or Microsoft Office
  • 英語力&xff08;TOEIC&xff18;&xff15;&xff10;点相当&xff09;海外経験あれば尚可
  • English language skills (equivalent to 850 TOEIC points), overseas experience a plus
  • 多文化環境への理解と機敏性&xff08;Agility&xff09;をもった対応能力
  • Ability to understand and respond with agility in a multicultural environment

Desirable /望ましい

  • 人事・総務関連業務&xff08;人事・労務&xff08;含む勤怠&xff09;・法務・総務&xff09;の内&xff12;つ以上の
  • A total of 20 years&39; experience in two or more of the following areas: human
    resources and administration-related work (human resources, labour affairs
    (including attendance), legal affairs and administration), with particular experience
    in the formulation of human resources systems and labour-management relations being a plus
  • HRBPとしての実務経験
  • Work experience as an HRBP
  • 人事・総務関係費用の予実管理経験
  • Experience in forecasting and managing HR and administration related costs 〇
  • 業務委託業者との折衝経験
  • Experience negotiating with outsourced contractors
  • 労働法&xff08;労働基準法における賃金支払い、勤務に関する36協定等&xff09;の知識
  • Knowledge of labour laws (e.g., payment of wages under the Labour Standards Act, 36 agreements on work, etc.)
  • 施設・環境保全に関する経験
  • Experience in facilities and environmental protection

Our Values

エアバスは、「何をつくり出すか」と同じように「どのように仕事をするか」を大切にしています。Our Valuesの6つの価値観は、実際にそれらを体現する社員によって選ばれました。We are One/Team Work!, Customer Focus, Reliability, Respect, Creativity, Integrity これらは、私たちのビジネスの DNAを形づくり、グローバル企業の社員ひとりひとりが持つユニークな個性の融合を反映しています。

At Airbus, we value ‘how we work’ as much as ‘what we create’. Our six values below were chosen by our employees and are shared across the globe: We are One/Team Work!, Customer Focus, Reliability, Respect, Creativity, Integrity. These values shape the DNA of our business and reflect the unique blend of personalities of each and every employee in our global company.

This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company’s success, reputation and sustainable growth.


Airbus Helicopters Japan Co. Ltd

Employment Type:



Experience Level:


Job Family:

HR Business Partnership

By submitting your CV or application you are consenting to Airbus using and storing information about you for monitoring purposes relating to your application or future employment. This information will only be used by Airbus.
Airbus is committed to achieving workforce diversity and creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome all applications irrespective of social and cultural background, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief.

Airbus is, and always has been, committed to equal opportunities for all. As such, we will never ask for any type of monetary exchange in the frame of a recruitment process. Any impersonation of Airbus to do so should be reported to emsom&64;

At Airbus, we support you to work, connect and collaborate more easily and flexibly. Wherever possible, we foster flexible working arrangements to stimulate innovative thinking.

Company Details
1855 Innovation Blvd.
Wichita, Kansas 67208-2522 USA
1505 Open Jobs Available
Airbus is an international reference in the aerospace sector. We design, manufacture and deliver industry-leading commercial aircraft, helicopters, military transports, satellites and launch vehicles, as well as providing data services, navigation, secure...

We promote an atmosphere that encourages personal and professional development. We offer competitive salaries, an excellent benefit package and a great working environment.

Supported Manufacturers:

Supported Models:
A220, A320, A330, A350 WXB, A380
(Job and company information not to be copied, shared, scraped, or otherwise disseminated/distributed without explicit consent of JSfirm, LLC)
Job Info
Kobe, International, International
Company Details
1855 Innovation Blvd.
Wichita, Kansas 67208-2522 USA
1505 Open Jobs Available
Airbus is an international reference in the aerospace sector. We design, manufacture and deliver industry-leading commercial aircraft, helicopters, military transports, satellites and launch vehicles, as well as providing data services, navigation, secure...

We promote an atmosphere that encourages personal and professional development. We offer competitive salaries, an excellent benefit package and a great working environment.

Supported Manufacturers:

Supported Models:
A220, A320, A330, A350 WXB, A380

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Roanoke, TX

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